I am a beloved character from the popular game franchise called 'Pokemon'. I was first unveiled to the world in 1995 by a company called Game Freak and have been the star of most of it's media (anime and manga) since the first episode. I have also had many games where I was featured on box art such as Pokemon: Let's Go, Detective Pikachu, and more.
Pikachu is the best battler in Pokemon. He consistently fights Pokemon that competitively is considered to be much stronger base stat wise and wins in the media surrounding the game. Pikachu also chooses not to evolve (which comes with a massive power increase) because he wants to become the strongest in the body he loves.
How many creatures do you know that are capable of investigating? There are very few creatures that are capable of rational and logical thought. Pikachu is one of them. He has a whole movie dedicated to him uncovering truths that even humans (considered to be the most intellectual creatures on the planet) could not solve. He also shows that he is capable of understanding and using language!